Video: “Every Student Succeeds Act” Overview

In this 3:38 video, Education Week’s Alyson Klein provides an overview of the changes brought by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaces No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in the 2017-18 school year.  Responsibilities for performance, curriculum, and testing shift from the federal government to the states.  For museums and historic sites, that means that your local school district may be adopting new standards of learning, which could prompt you to revise your school programs.  States are required to adopt “challenging” academic standards, which could be Common Core but it isn’t required.  For more details, take a look at Education Week’s written summary or the analysis in The Atlantic.


1 thought on “Video: “Every Student Succeeds Act” Overview

  1. Michelle Zupan

    Georgia has already released the drafts of the proposed curriculum changes. We want to keep our school program numbers high, so we are already comparing current to proposed and thinking about how we will need to reformat. Science will be easy, it is more rigorous, but not a fruit basket turnover. Social studies is a nightmare! We are going to have to reformat every program we presently have for different grade levels (not a problem unless there is ready and analysis involved!).


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