AASLH Award Winners

Lee Wright at the History List created a Slideshare presentation of the 87 history projects that will be receiving awards today from the American Association for State and Local History at their annual meeting in Birmingham, Alabama.   You’ll see exhibits, books, websites, preservation projects, outdoor multimedia tours, and much, much more.  It’s an easy way to get ideas for your museum and historic site (perhaps your staff can watch it over lunch together?).

Lee also mentioned that he’ll be offering the “Make this Holiday Historic” at the History List again in December to promote events, gifts, and membership at historic sites and house museums but may include some tweaks to make it more engaging.  If you are interested in participating (I especially encourage sites that are in a city or region that’s a tourist destination), contact Lee@TheHistoryList.com.

1 thought on “AASLH Award Winners

  1. thehistorylist

    Thanks, Max, for raising awareness of both the slides and the campaign to promote historic sites and history organizations for the holidays: “Make this holiday historic!” We have a page dedicated to it, including all of the digital assets–for signs, tags, websites, and newsletters–that can be downloaded now for free. It’s all focused on getting more people out to our wonderful events–and our gift shops–during the holidays. http://www.thehistorylist.com/the-holiday-campaign-for-history


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